Validator User’s Guide
Customizing your validation
Check Code Values
If selected, Validator checks the data's code values to be sure they are on the list of
allowed values.
Check App. Data Values
If selected, Validator enforces application values, if they are used in the guideline.
Application values are case sensitive.
Check Leading Zeroes
If selected, Validator flags leading zeros in numeric fields.
Check Blanks in Numerics
If selected, Validator flags leading blanks in real or numeric fields.
Check Leading Blanks in Alpha
If selected, Validator flags leading blanks in alphanumeric fields.
Check Trailing Blanks
If selected, Validator flags trailing blanks in alphanumeric fields.
Check Unused Elements
If selected, Validator issues diagnostics when data is present for fields that the guideline
says are unused.
Use X12 Character Set
Specifies which character sets should be allowed in X12 alphanumeric elements:
Unchecked (default)
Allows characters defined in the X12 basic and extended
character sets. Please see
Restricts the character set to those defined in the HIPAA
implementation guides. This includes:
! \"& '()*+,-./:;?=%~@[]_{}\|<>#$"
and spaces
Not allowed: