- You will need two types of adhesives for this ARF -
Epoxy and Instant (cyanoacrylate) adhesives.We recommend that you
purchase both 5-minute and 30-minute epoxy to cut down on
assembly time, but you can get by with only 30-minute epoxy if time
is not important.You will also need a small bottle of both “Thick” and
“Thin” instant adhesive.
- Model assembly can be much easier if the proper tools are
used. Therefore, we have included in our checklist to the right,
a complete listing of all the tools we used to assemble our prototype
models. As you will notice, many household tools can be utilized
during construction.
- The Thunder Tiger PRO-61 or 91 is the ideal engine for this
airplane. It is a quiet running engine that is easy to start and require no
special break- in period, is very easy to maintain, and will last for years.
Flight Equipment
- There are several “support” items that you will
need to purchase in order to get your engine running and your plane
in the air.
Comprehensive Items Needed Check List
4-Channel Radio with 4 Standard Servos
5-Minute Epoxy (4 ounces or so)
30-Minute Epoxy (4 ounces or so)
“Thin” Instant Adhesive (1/2 ounce)
“Thick” Instant Adhesive (1/2 ounce)
Hobby Knife and Blades
Epoxy Mixing Sticks and/or Brushes
Sandpaper (150 grit)
Masking Tape
Rubbing Alcohol
Paper Towels
Waxed Paper
Fine-Point, Felt-Tip Pen
Misc. Household Tools
Drill and Bits (1/16”, 1/8” , 9/64”,1/4”, 5/16” )
Flight Equipment
Foam Rubber Padding for the radio
Stick on Lead Strip for balancing the plane
3 or 4 Props (see engine instructions)
10%-15% Glow Fuel
Fuel Pump or Bulb
Electric Starter or “Chicken Stick”
Glow Plug Clip and Battery
Extra Glow Plug(s)
A Breakthrough in Field Equipment!
The CarryMaster’s “Organization Plus” allows you to transport all your
field essentials in a rugged and compact case that will fit about
anywhere in about any vehicle. A complete “turn-key” combo is
available as well as the case by itself.
Combo contents include:
• 3 liter fuel cell
• 12v starting battery/charger
• glow starter/charger
• 12v HD starter
• 4-way wrench