TT-3026L easyTrack Transceiver
Installation Manual
Figure 21 easyMail with no connection to easyTrack
After a few seconds, the fields should change to this:
Figure 22 easyMail connected to easyTrack, good satellite
signal and GPS fix.
If the fields look like Figure 21, please go on to 5.5 easyMail
basic setup.
If the fields look like Figure 20, The PC has not connected to
easyTrack. This usually is because the COM port in the PC is
already open by another application, or because the COM
port or baud rate set in easyMail is wrong. Close the other
application or go to Options
COM Settings…
and choose the correct port and baud rate (default 4800).
Below is an explanation of the Connections field.
Green: GPS ok. Red: GPS error or no antenna connection.
Ant. Signal