Turn Off Based on SoC: If enabled the generator will be turned off when the battery SoC (State-of-Charge)
increases above a specified threshold.
Turn Off SoC Threshold (%): The threshold in percentage above which the generator will be
turned off.
Turn Off Delay (minutes): Delay applied between the conditions to turn the generator off become true
and turning the generator off. For example, if set to 1 minute, the generator will stay on for an extra
minute after the voltage or SoC increases above the turn-off threshold.
Default Factory Settings.
The device can always be reset to the default configuration using the
PowerMonX app.
To do this, connect to a device, tap the top right corner menu and then
“Device Information”
Tap on Factory Reset.
When resetting to the factory defaults, all custom settings, and timers will be erased,
including the device calibration, the battery fuel gauge internal state, and the data log.
Password lock.
The device can be locked using a master/user password scheme. Upon connecting, the
app will prompt the user to enter the user password if the device is locked. Once the correct password is
entered, the device becomes unlocked and will stay unlocked for the duration of the connection.
The master password locks only certain functions that are critical to the correct and safe operation of
the device. The manufacturer of a custom system using the PowerMon-5S battery monitor can use the master
password to protect those critical areas of the configuration. The critical areas protected by the master
password can be unlocked by tapping on
Master Access
on the Device Information page.
The following features are not available if the device is locked by the master password: resetting the
power meter/battery statistics, saving the configuration, resetting to factory settings, zeroing, or calibrating the
current reading, clearing the data log, updating the device firmware.
If the device is locked with the user password, entering the master password instead will unlock the
entire device.
PowerMon-5S is continuously advertising its presence over Bluetooth. PowerMonX is the
required app, and it can be found on the App Store / Play Store for both Apple and Android devices. The app
allows you to scan for PowerMon devices, connect, view the live data, view the battery statistics, change the
configuration, rename the device, configure the password protection, visualize the logged data, and more.
Radio performance.
The device contains an internal Bluetooth Low Energy radio operating in the 2.4GHz
ISM band and an internal antenna. For best performance, the device should be installed in such a way as to offer
a path for radio waves to reach it. Metal walls or enclosures can attenuate or completely shield the device.
Installation on non-metallic surfaces is preferred. The mobile device app displays the RSSI value (Received Signal
Strength Indication) in real-time.