External temperature sensor.
PowerMon-5S can read the temperature from an external DS18B20 based
sensor. To use an external sensor, purchase the PowerMon-5S MF Wiring Kit from Thornwave Labs. The
documentation that comes with the kit explains how to connect the sensor. Configure the MF function to
temperature sensor in the general configuration. If the sensor is recognized by PowerMon-5S, the temperature
reading in the Live Data page will change to “Ext. Temperature”.
Internal clock.
PowerMon-5S keeps track of time internally. The internal clock can be set by tapping on
the Device Clock tab for longer than one second. The internal date and time will be updated using the system
time provided by the mobile device. If the internal clock is not set the device is not logging data.
Timer function.
The device supports controlling the relay using a set of up to 16 timers. Each timer
contains a start time, stop time and repetition. The start time specifies the time of day (HH:MM) when the relay
turns on. Stop time specifies the time of day when the relay turns off. A timer does not need to have both the
start and stop times. One of them can be disabled. This kind of timer should be used in pairs: one turns the relay
on and the second one turns it off. ‘Repetition’ controls the days when a timer will trigger. This
can be either
DoW (Day of Week) where the timer repeats on specific days of the week or DoM (Day of Month) where the
timer repeats on specific days of the month.
Using multiple timers, users can create very complex time schedules.
Timer1: START 4:50PM, STOP 5:10PM, REPETITION DOW Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat
This timer will run every day and turn the relay on for 20 minutes, from 4:50PM until 5:10PM
Timer2: START 8:00PM. STOP: disabled, REPETITION DOW Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat Sun
Timer3: START disabled, STOP: 7:00AM, REPETITION DOW Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat Sun
This set of timers used together will turn the relay on every day at 8:00PM and turn it off the following
day at 7:00AM. The same effect can be achieved using a single timer. This is just an example.
Timer4: START 12:00AM. STOP: disabled, REPETITION DOM: 1
Timer5: START disabled, STOP: 12:00AM, REPETITION DOM: 8
This set of timers used together will turn the relay on every 1
of the month at 12:00AM and turn it off
7 days later on the 8
of the month at 12:00AM.