Establishing communications with SC10
To communicate with the SC10 you must first establish a connection with the SC10 and the PC, the COM port
and BAUD rate for the PC connection are set in the “Options->Serial Connection” menu. Note the SC10 defaults
to 9.6K Baud and can only be changed using the command line interface (see “command line interface”). The
SC10 Application software defaults to COM1 at 9.6K BAUD. The SC10 supports 2-BAUD rates 9.6K and 115.2K.
After insuring the proper COM port and BAUD rate, click on the “Open Connection” under the “File” menu.
The unit is now ready to operate from either the application software or from the front panel controls on the unit.
The “Save Options” menu item will save the selected options for future sessions.
The shutter timing can be changed in any of the following ways: using the increment decrement arrows or by
entering a time in seconds in the “OPEN CLOSED “ windows. When typing, a carriage is required to update the
SC10. The grey boxes on the right of the display indicate the active value.
The MODE and TRIGGER parameters can be changed in the Options menu. The operating MODE of the SC10 is
displayed in the center of the window. The ENABLE button acts identically to the one on the front panel.
The PC window also contains active displays to indicate the status of the shutter.
8654-D02 Rev. B 8/15/05
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