Chapter 5
Software Reference
Button Control Settings
The buttons on the front of the unit can be used either to jog the motor, or to perform
moves to absolute positions.
Button Mode: This setting determines the type of move performed when the front
panel buttons are pressed.
Jogging: Once set to this mode, the move parameters for the buttons are taken
from the ‘Jog’ parameters on the ‘Move/Jogs’ settings tab.
Go to Position: In this mode, each button can be programmed with a different
position value, such that the controller will move the motor to that position when
the specific button is pressed.
Note. The following parameters are applicable only if ‘Go to Position’ is selected in
the ‘Button Mode’ field.
Left Button Position: The position to which the motor will move when the left hand
button is pressed.
Right Button Position: The position to which the motor will move when the right hand
button is pressed.
Note. A ‘Home’ move can be performed by pressing and holding both buttons for 2
seconds. This function is irrespective of the ‘Button Mode’ setting.
Persist Settings to Hardware
Many of the parameters that can be set for the OptoDCDriver can be stored
(persisted) within the unit itself, such that when the unit is next powered up these
settings are applied automatically. This is particularly important when the driver is
being used manually in the absence of a PC and USB link. The potentiometer, button
and LED parameters described above are good examples of settings that can be
altered and then persisted in the driver for use in absence of a PC. To save the
settings to hardware, check the ‘Persist Settings to Hardware’ checkbox before
clicking the ‘OK button.