4.9 Status reporting
LDC340 / Page 59
4.9.1 Standard event status register (ESR)
The bits of this register mirror the following standard events:
Power on
This event bit indicates, that an off to on transition has
occurred in the power supply. So it is high after switching
on the device for the first time.
User request
(Not used)
Command error
A command error occurred.
Execution error
An execution error occurred.
Device error
A device dependent error occurred.
Query error
A query error occurred.
Request control
(Not used)
Operation complete
Can be set with
The ESR can be read directly with the command
. This read command
clears the ESR. The content of the ESR can not be set.
The bits are active high.
4.9.2 Standard event status enable register (ESE)
The bits of the ESE are used to select which bits of the ESR shall influence bit 5
(ESB) of the STB. The 8 bits of the ESE are combined with the according 8 bits of
the ESR via a wired “AND”-function. These 8 results are combined with a logical
“OR”-function, so that any "hit" leads to a logical 1 in bit 5 (ESB) of the STB. As any
bit of the STB can assert an SRQ, every event (bit of the ESR) can be used to assert
an SRQ.