K-Cube Brushed DC Servo Motor Driver
These parameters are used to set the 'resolution' characteristics of the DC servo
motor connected to the selected channel. The resolution of the motor, combined with
other characteristics (such as lead screw pitch) of the associated actuator,
determines the overall resolution.
Steps Per Rev
- The number of encoder counts per revolution of the DC servo motor
(minimum '1', maximum '1000').
Gearbox Ratio
- The ratio of the gearbox. For example, if the gearbox has a reduction
ratio of X:1 (i.e. every 1 turn at the output of the gearbox requires X turns of the motor
shaft) then the Gearbox Ratio value is set to X. (minimum '1', maximum '1000').
Gearbox Ratio
parameter is applicable only to motors fitted with a
The ‘Steps Per Rev’ and ‘Gearbox Ratio’ parameters, together with the
‘Pitch’ and ‘Units’ parameters are used to calculate the calibration factor
for use when converting real world units to encoder counts.
The Z800 series of DC servo motors have an encoder with 512 counts per
rev and a 67:1 reduction gearbox. In this case, the Steps Per Rev and
Gearbox Ratio should be set to '512' and '67' respectively. The equivalent
calibration constant is calculated as:
512 x 67 = 34,304 (encoder counts/mm)
512 counts per revolution
67:1 reduction gearbox
1.0 mm lead screw pitch
The correct default values for Steps Per Rev and Gearbox Ratio are
applied automatically at start up.