V e l o c i t y D V I E x t e n d e r P r o d u c t M a n u a l , R e v . G , M a y ,
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1.4. Laser Information
The DVI Extender models Velocity-3, -6, -33 and -63 are designed and identified as Class 1 LASER products.
2. System Features
2.1. General System Features
Thinklogical’s VelocityDVI Extender Systems
are designed for high resolution video extension
applications, such as remote projection centers, theaters and assembly halls, and for secure
computer installations. The ability to remotely locate the CPU away from the monitor allows more control
of your computer environment. It is now possible to position your monitor or projector in any setting from
office to lecture hall to boardroom while keeping the computer secure in a remote, controlled location.
Each DVI Extender system includes the following features:
Supports one Single-Link (System-3) or one Dual-Link (System-6) video signal.
Supports three Single-Link (System-33) or three Dual-Link (System-63) video signals.
DDC2B compliant
Extends DVI up to 1000 meters (3280 feet) using OM4 multi-mode fiber
Signal transmission via fiber optic cable; no RF interference
Flawless image quality with no frame dropping
Class 1 laser product
Simple plug and play
Small form factor