Installation, use and maintenance guide
Cronotermostato Modem
Chronothermostat - Modem
Contatti 9-10 della morsettiera CN7
Contacts 9-10 of the terminal block CN7
Termostato Ambiente
Room Temperature Thermostat
Contatti 7-8 della morsettiera CN7
Contacts 7-8 of the terminal block CN7
When is it important to use a CHRONOTHERMOSTAT?
In systems configured like the nearby diagram, where the appliance is connected directly
to the system.
In this case the chronothermostat controls the ON/OFF cycles of the appliance according
to the programmed time bands or the temperature setting.
If the dwelling is fitted with zone valves, with this type of installation, it is mandatory to
deactivate the valves by opening them completely.
Consequently the dissipation of heat, at least equal to or greater than the minimum power
output to the water in the appliance, must be guaranteed at all times.
The chronothermostat must have a thermal hysteresis that is not less than 2°C.