Thermo Scientific
TSQ Altis, Quantis, and Fortis Hardware Manual
Maintaining the MS on a Daily Basis
There are tasks that you can do before and after you operate the MS to prevent needless
• Before Operating the Mass Spectrometer
• After Operating the Mass Spectrometer
Before Operating the Mass Spectrometer
These tasks ensure that the MS is ready for operation.
The tasks include:
Checking the Vacuum Pressure Levels
Checking the Argon and Nitrogen Gas Supplies
Finding and Fixing Air Leaks
A major air leak can indicate insufficient pressure levels to turn on the system. In the Tune
window, a green square,(
), indicates that the readback value is good. Possible causes of a
major leak might be a loose or disconnected fitting, an improperly positioned O-ring, or an
open valve.
1. Listen for a rush of air or a hissing sound coming from the MS.
• If you do not hear these sounds, there is no air leak.
• If you hear these sounds continue with step 2.
2. Follow
“Shutting the MS System Down Completely.”
3. Visually inspect the vacuum system and vacuum lines for leaks.
You do not need to calibrate and tune the MS as part of your daily routine.
Generally, you must calibrate the MS every one to three months of operation for optimum
performance over the entire mass range of the mass detector.