6.6 pDR-1200 Filter Holder Installation
The 37-mm filter holder provided with the
DR-1200 must be installed before
operation of the instrument, in order to connect a sampling pump. To install the filter
holder, remove protective cover, and insert the open collar over the black attachment
cup with the external o-ring, on the left side of the
DR-1200 sensing chamber.
Ensure complete insertion.
To replace the membrane filter separate the two sections of the plastic holder prying
them apart with screwdriver or a coin. Make sure to place backing under the
membrane filter before rejoining the two plastic rings.
DataRAM has several different operating modes which will be
described in what follows. The specific commands and displays within each of these
operating modes will be explained in detail in Section 8.0. A complete flow chart of
keystrokes and screens is provided in Section 16.0.
7.1 Start-Up
DataRAM enters the Start-Up Mode as soon as the instrument is
switched on. The user then has the choice to:
a) Wait before proceeding;
b) Zero the instrument and check its readiness; or
c) Proceed directly to the Ready Mode.
7.2 Ready
Once the
DataRAM is in the Ready Mode, the user is presented with the
following alternatives:
a) Start a run immediately, or after any of the subsequent steps;
b) Review (by scrolling the display) all operating parameters, status and diagnostic
c) Activate or deactivate the logging function; activate, select (instantaneous or
STEL), or deactivate alarm;
d) Program parameters or output logged data through a computer.
Run and Logging Mode
The Run Mode is the measurement/logging mode. The user can operate the
DataRAM in this mode either with or without data logging. For example,
the instrument may be used first as a survey monitor without logging, for walk-
through assessment of an industrial plant, before deciding where to set up the unit for
continuous monitoring and logging.