Connecting the API Source and Waste Container
Setting Up the Fume Exhaust Connections
Orbitrap Tribrid Series Getting Connected Guide
Thermo Scientific
To install the API source onto the MS
Setting Up the Fume Exhaust Connections
To equip your lab with at least two fume exhaust systems
Do the following:
• Ensure that the exhaust tubing from the forepump connects to a dedicated fume
exhaust system.
The analyzer optics become contaminated if the drain/waste tubing and the exhaust
tubing from the forepump connect to the same fume exhaust system.
• Ensure that the waste container vents to a dedicated fume exhaust system—do not
vent the Tygon™ drain tube (or any vent tubing connected to the waste container) to
the same fume exhaust system that connects to the forepump.
The exhaust system for the API source must accommodate a flow rate of up to
30 L/min (64 ft
Install the ion sweep
cone on the MS.
Align the source mounting holes with the MS pins and carefully
attach the source. Then, lock the source levers.
Unlock the source
locking levers.