Corrosives, Solvents, and Pressurized Gases
Thermo Scientific
Nicolet iS5 Spectrometer Safety Guide
The United States Department of Health and Human Services warns against improper laser
use, as follows:
Protective Housing
A protective housing covers this instrument. More than 80 percent of the invisible laser
radiation is lost as it passes through the instrument optics. The accessible laser radiation in the
sample compartment is very low, with less than 200 μW of continuous power.
Laser Emissions
This instrument is classified as a Class I laser product (FDA-CDRH and IEC 60825-1:2007),
which is inherently safe. Less than 200 μW of reflective invisible laser radiation is accessible
during normal use and maintenance.
Manufacturer’s Laser Information
In some jurisdictions you may be required to register this instrument; check with your
company’s safety officer or your local government offices. The following is an excerpt from the
laser manufacturer’s manual regarding the information that might be needed for registration.
Corrosives, Solvents, and Pressurized Gases
Many standard spectroscopy methods are based on the use of solvents. Others involve
corrosive samples or pressurized samples in a gaseous state. All these sample materials can be
measured using your instrument, but special precautions must be taken.
Invisible laser radiation from class 3B laser. Avoid exposure to beam.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those
specified in your user guide and on-line tutorials may result in hazardous radiation
exposure. Class 3B invisible laser radiation inside.
Type of laser
850 nm ±10 nm
maximum power
0.8 mW
CDRH classification
Class 3B