3 • Operation and Maintenance
Doc. 065330-05 03/2020
Application Tips
After creating a Dionex AutoTrace 280 method, you may need to fine-tune the
method to optimize sample recovery and/or sample throughput. The need for
changes may be evident when first running the method or when examining the
recovery data from the sample run. If the recovery data looks good, test higher
flow rates, shorter times, etc., to achieve a higher sample throughput.
When attempting to optimize a method, make changes one at a time to evaluate
the effect of each change. The remainder of this section discusses various ways in
which methods can be optimized.
Sample Recovery
describes three areas that can cause unacceptable recovery and
should be investigated when optimizing sample recovery.
a. Can be determined by collecting aqueous waste and manually analyzing it
for target compounds.
b. Sample retention; still on cartridge or disk.
Internal Loss
c. Sample adsorption.
Conditioning steps
Solvent type
Sample path
Conditioning flow and
air push rates
Solvent miscibility
Sample container
Solvent type
Solvent volume
Solvent volume
Elution flow and air
push rates
Loading rate
Table 3-1. Sample Recovery Optimization