Thermionic Culture Ltd August 2014
The mono compressor is a variation of the Phoenix design,
which uses a different input transformer and valve
complement. There is a different detector valve (5726),
compression valve (6AQ8) and output valve (5965). This
gives a harder type of compression curve, which starts at
less than 2:1 and ends up as a 20:1 ratio at high
compression levels. The combination of new valves and
transformers also gives the unit more available gain. We find
that these qualities suit what this unit as a whole is capable
We feel that The Nightingale 2 is a very versatile and unique
unit. The ability to take 2 different signals from DI, mic. or
line sources then be able to EQ, compress and internally
sum them together whilst retaining the ability to use all 3
components individually, or any combination in between, is a
very creative combination of features that can’t be found in
any other single unit of this size.
The quality of the circuit design means that the sound of the
unit stays open and natural even when applying extreme
amounts of processing. Full use of all the features can be
made without fear of seriously damaging the signal quality.
It was originally made for Live use where 2 vocal mics may
be combined, each with its own eq,, into 1 “soft knee””
compressor, with phase reversal on one mic to reduce band