4.Fit rear insulation board, then fit rear panel with four pieces 4.2x9.5 self-tapping screws as shown below.
5. Fit front insulation board inside front panel, and fit front panel onto side panels securing with four pieces
4.2x9.5 self-tapping screws. Fit thermometer supplied in accessory pack onto circular port on top panel,
attach its sensing element into the pocket phial on front section as shown below. Then fit top panel with four
pieces 4.2x9.5 self-tapping screws.
6. Fit L-shaped arm supplied with thermostatic regulator into its seating port, and secure with its original
screw. Attach one end of chain on the end of arm. Attach the other end of the chain on primary air damper
as shown in following pictures. Final adjustment of chain is made during first firing of boiler.