HI-E DRY 195
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Asset Protection and IAQ Solutions
2.5 Optional Remote Humidity Control
A 120Vac remote humidity control is available from the factory. This control
can be wired in parallel with the internal humidity control. Unplug the unit
and remove the cabinet front. Remove the four screws securing the control
box to the blower end of the HI-E Dry 195. Pull the control box away from
the blower end to allow access. Conduit can be connected to the knockout
in the blower end. Wire the two leads from the remote humidity control to
the two orange leads provided inside the control box.
Now you can control the HI-E Dry 195 with the internal or remote humidity
control. If you wish to use only the remote humidity control, turn the
internal humidity control counter-clockwise until it stops. This will turn the
internal humidity control off.
2.6 Hard Wiring the HI-E Dry 195
1. Remove the cabinet front to the left of the cord mount.
2. Cut the cord near the strain relief bushing and remove the cord and the
strain relief bushing.
3. Trim and strip the wire ends for wire nuts.
4. Use a 1/2” connector to attach the hard wiring to the HI-E Dry 195.
Use a minimum of #3-14 wire. Comply with all state and local code
5. Use wire nuts to attach the appropriate wire leads.
3. Operation
3.1 Humidity Control Adjustment
The dehumidifier will run continuously until the relative humidity (RH) is reduced to the humidity control
dial setting. Setting the humidity control to lower RH levels will NOT increase the unit’s dehumidification
rate, it will simply run longer to reduce the area’s RH to the setting. The HI-E Dry 195 100 unit (and
refrigerant based dehumidifiers in general) will reduce a warm space’s RH to a lower level than that of a cool
space. It is therefore pointless to set the humidity control to excessively low levels in cool rooms. Doing so
will result in long periods of ineffective dehumidifier run time.
A quality humidity meter is recommended to accurately monitor humidity levels. For a quote on a quality
humidity meter, call the factory.
3.2 Fan Switch
Turning the fan switch ON will cause the unit’s internal blower to run continuously, whether the unit is
dehumidifying or not. This function is desirable if the unit is used for air circulation or fresh air ventilation.
Figure 1: Hard Wiring the HI-E Dry 195