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You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as 

expressly provided under this License.    Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, 

sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate 

your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or 

rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so 

long as such parties remain in full compliance. 




You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it.   

However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the 

Program or its derivative works.    These actions are prohibited by law if you do 

not accept this License.    Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or 

any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to 

do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the 

Program or works based on it. 




Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the 

recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, 

distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions.    You 

may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights 

granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties 

to this License. 




If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or 

for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on 

you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the 

conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this 

License.    If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your 

obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a 

consequence you may not distribute the Program at all.    For example, if a 

patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all 

those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way 

you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from 

distribution of the Program. 


If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular 

circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as 

a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. 


It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other 

property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has 

the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution 

system, which is implemented by public license practices.    Many people have 

made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through 

that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the 

author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any 

other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. 


This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a 

consequence of the rest of this License. 




If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries 

either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who 

places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical 

distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted 

only in or among countries not thus excluded.    In such case, this License 

incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 



Summary of Contents for N0503

Page 1: ...2 5 x5 3 5 x3 Thecus N0503 Combo NAS FW v3 02 01 User s Manual...

Page 2: provide us with your feedback Thecus Technology Corporation reserves the right to modify the contents of this manual without notice Product name Thecus N0503 Manual Version 1 2 Release Date April 2...

Page 3: ...with relative humidity of 20 85 Using the N0503 under extreme environmental conditions could damage the unit Ensure that the N0503 is provided with the correct supply voltage AC 100V 240V 50 60 Hz 3A...

Page 4: ...view 15 Before You Begin 15 Hard Disk Installation 15 Cable Connections 16 Chapter 3 First Time Setup 17 Overview 17 Thecus Setup Wizard 17 LCD Operation 19 LCD Controls 19 Display Mode 19 USB Copy 20...

Page 5: DMAs to the Media Server 42 HTTP Web Disk 43 UPnP 44 Nsync Target 44 Bonjour Setting 44 Storage Management 45 Disks Information 45 S M A R T Information 46 Bad Block Scan 47 RAID Information 47 Cr...

Page 6: ...ple OS X Backup Utilities 94 Chapter 5 Using the N0503 95 Overview 95 Login Page 95 Using WebDisk 95 Photo Server 97 Windows XP Publishing Wizard 98 Managing Albums and Photos 103 Creating Albums 104...

Page 7: ...126 Add On Line Register Service 126 Added Rsync Setting under Nsync Target 127 Added Rsync Backup Feature 127 Added 2nd Gateway for Clients of DHCP Server Route 128 Chapter 10 Revision updated up to...

Page 8: ...Overview 139 Source Code Availability 139 CGIC License Terms 140 GNU General Public License 140 8...

Page 9: ...nux and Apple OS X environments The N0503 s user friendly GUI supports multiple languages Product Highlights File Server First and foremost the N0503 allows you to store and share files over an IP net...

Page 10: ...RAID 0 for your non critical data and create RAID 5 for mission critical data Create the RAID levels depending on your needs To configure RAID modes on the N0503 refer to Chapter 4 Storage Management...

Page 11: ...ed z Power Adaptor Power cord x1 z QIG Quick Installation Guide x1 z CD Title x1 Universal CD z Ethernet Cable x1 z Screw Kit bag x1 z HDD Compatibility list Card x1 z Multiple Languages Warranty Card...

Page 12: ...nt Panel Item Description Power LED Solid blue system is powered on WAN LED Solid green network link Blinking orange network activity LAN LED Solid green network link Blinking orange network activity...

Page 13: ...Device is powered on LCD Display Displays current system status and messages Update time 60 seconds Down Button Push to scroll DOWN when using the LCD display Up Button Push to scroll UP when using t...

Page 14: an Ethernet network through a switch or router LAN Port LAN port that can be used for connection sharing System Fan System fan that exhausts heat from the unit Power Connector Connect the included...

Page 15: ...tatic discharge from damaging the sensitive electronic components on the N0503 3 Be careful not to use magnetized screwdrivers around the N0503 s electronic components Hard Disk Installation The N0503...

Page 16: Ethernet cable from your network to the WAN port on the back panel of the N0503 2 Connect the provided power cord into the power socket on the back panel Plug the other end of the cord into a surge...

Page 17: ...perform the following steps 1 Insert the installation CD into your CD ROM drive the host PC must be connected to the network 2 The Setup Wizard should launch automatically If not please browse your C...

Page 18: ...ddress is recommended You may also use a static IP address and enter the DNS Server address manually 7 Change the default administrator password 8 Finished Access the N0503 Web Administrator Interface...

Page 19: configuration settings option Up Button Select the next configuration settings option Enter Enter to display USB copy operation ESC Escape Escape to give up USB copy Press and hold for 3 seconds to...

Page 20: ...twork settings refer to Chapter 4 System Network Step 2 RAID Creation Next administrators can configure their preferred RAID setting and build their RAID volume You can access RAID settings from the m...

Page 21: ...Share Folder Folder Access Control List ACL Step 5 Start Services Finally you can start to setup the different services of the N0503 for the users on your network You can find out more about each of t...

Page 22: ...IP address of 192 168 1 100 your managing PC IP address must be 192 168 1 x where x is a number between 1 and 254 but not 100 NOTE 2 Login to the system using the administrator user name and password...

Page 23: ...of Backup Features set up of the N0503 Moving your cursor over any of these items will display the dropdown menu selections for each group In the following sections you will find detailed explanations...

Page 24: ...ench German Italian Korean Spanish Russia Polish On the menu bar click Language and the selection list appears This user interface will switch to selected language for the N0503 System Information Inf...

Page 25: ...he system fan Up Time Shows how long the system has been up and running Service Status Item Description AFP Status The status of the Apple Filing Protocol server NFS Status The status of the Network F...

Page 26: ...ile Truncate All Log File Clear all log files The number of lines per page Specify desired number of lines to display per page Sort Ascending Shows logs by date in ascending order Sort Descending Show...

Page 27: ...ble to synchronize with the NTP server Select Disable to close the NTP server synchronization Sync with external NTP Server Select YES to allow the N0503 to synchronize with an NTP server of your choi...

Page 28: ...g notification emails Auth Type Select the SMTP Server account authentication type SMTP Account ID Set the SMTP Server Email account ID Account Password Enter a new password E mail From Set email addr...

Page 29: ...USB interface providing extra data security and accessibility in the case of a power failure From the Status menu choose the UPS item and the UPS Setting screen appears Make any changes you wish and p...

Page 30: ...heckbox Then simply choose an on and off time for each day of the week that you would like to designate a schedule by using the various dropdowns Finally click Apply to save your changes Example Monda...

Page 31: ...en appears From here you can Enable or Disable Wake up On LAN Configuration Item Description WOL Service Enable or Disable WOL service Apply Click Apply to save changes SNMP Support From the menu choo...

Page 32: ...ption of each item Change Administrator and LCD Entry Password Item Description New Password Type in a new administrator password Confirm Password Type the new password again to confirm Apply Press th...

Page 33: ...rking configuration when you are experimenting with new system settings NOTE Factory default From the menu choose the Factory Default item and the Reset to Factory Default screen appears Press Apply t...

Page 34: ...prompt will appear Click Yes to reboot the system Once the system has rebooted you will be returned to the File System Check prompt There you will see the available RAID volumes to run the file syste...

Page 35: ...system When the file system check is run the system will show 20 lines of information until it is complete Once complete the results will be shown at the bottom The system must be rebooted before the...

Page 36: ...Address MAC address of the network interface Jumbo Frame Support Enable or disable Jumbo Frame Support of the WAN interface on your N0503 IP Sharing Mode When enabled PCs connected to the LAN port wil...

Page 37: and the LAN Configuration screen appears Press Apply to save your changes LAN Configuration Item Description MAC Address Displays the MAC address of the LAN interface Jumbo Frame Support Enable or...

Page 38: ...e IP address of the LAN interface should not be in the range of the Start IP address and End IP address WARNING Samba CIFS There are 4 options is currently allow Admin to Enable Disable to operate N05...

Page 39: ...Network Setup From the System Network menu choose the AFP item and the AFP Support screen appears This screen displays the configuration items for the Apple Filing Protocol You can change any of these...

Page 40: ...m your settings A description of each item follows NFS Server Setting Item Description NFS Enable or Disable NFS support Apply Click Apply to save your changes FTP N0503 can act as a FTP server enabli...

Page 41: ...licate file name The renaming scheme is filename where represents an integer Upload Bandwidth You may set the maximum bandwidth allocated to file uploads Selections include Unlimited 1 2 4 8 16 and 32...

Page 42: ...Media Folders window select the folder that contains your media files and click its checkbox 3 The contents in the folder will be scanned for the Media Server The time required for scanning depends on...

Page 43: ...the Web Disk HTTP Support screen appears This screen displays the service support parameters of the system You can change any of these items and press Apply to confirm your settings A description of e...

Page 44: ...sync Target has been enabled the other Thecus NAS product is able to operate remote replication to this NAS system Bonjour Setting Bonjour is Apple Inc s trade name for its implementation of Zeroconf...

Page 45: ...e you can see various items about installed SATA hard disks Blank lines indicate that a SATA hard disk is not currently installed in that particular disk slot Disks Information Item Description Disk N...

Page 46: ...n power on state Temperature Celsius The current temperature of the hard disk in degrees Celsius Reallocated Sector Count Count of reallocated sectors When the hard drive finds a read write verificati...

Page 47: of the disk will show Warning This warning is only administrator that there are bad sectors on the disk e those disks as soon as possible Bad Block Scan On the Disks Information screen you may also...

Page 48: ...e installed hard disks Model Model number of the installed hard disks Status Status of the installed hard disks Used If this is checked current hard disk is a part of a RAID volume Spare If this is ch...

Page 49: ...lume to be the Master RAID will make these folders visible again 5 Specify a stripe size 64K is the default setting 6 Specify the percentage allocated for user data by drag the horizontal bar The rema...

Page 50: ...e HDD with no RAID support JBOD requires a minimum of 1 disk RAID 0 Provides data striping but no redundancy Improves performance but not data safety RAID 0 requires a minimum of 2 disks RAID 1 Offers...

Page 51: ...high reliability and high performance RAID 10 is implemented as a striped array whose segments are RAID 1 arrays It has the fault tolerance of RAID 1 and the performance of RAID 0 RAID 10 requires 4...

Page 52: ...e follow the steps below 1 On the RAID List screen select the RAID volume by clicking on its radio button and click RAID Information to open the RAID Configuration screen 2 On the RAID Configuration s...

Page 53: ...ow it to automatically rebuild 2 Once rebuilt you can continue to replace any remaining disks in the RAID array 3 When you are done replacing hard drives log on to Web Management Navigate to Storage R...

Page 54: ...array all together To migrate a RAID 0 RAID 1 RAID 5 or RAID 6 volume follow the steps below 1 From the RAID Configuration screen click Migrate RAID 2 A list of possible RAID migration configurations...

Page 55: ...R1 to R5 or R1 to R6 the all services will restart and volumes iSCSI is read only but user data is capable read write during operation 5 The other combination to make as On line can have read write w...

Page 56: ...D 6 X X ONLINE RAID 6 HDDx4 to RAID 6 HDDx5 Space Allocation You may specify the space allocated for iSCSI volumes The iSCSI volume can be created up to 5 volumes per RAID volume To do this under the...

Page 57: ...ID of current RAID volume Allocation Percentage and amount of space allocated to iSCSI volume Unused Percentage and amount of unused space on current RAID volume iSCSI Target Volume Enable or Disable...

Page 58: ...e This will be used by the Stackable NAS function to identify this export share 6 Choose the current year from the Year dropdown 7 Choose the current month from the Month dropdown 8 If you ve enabled...

Page 59: ...dify your setting Press ok to change Delete Volume To delete volume on the current RAID volume follow the steps below 1 Under the Volume Allocation List click Delete The Space Allocation screen appear...

Page 60: the option changed it will need to reboot system to activate iSCSI Block Size Select the block size with 4K while the iSCSI volume size is over 2TB iSCSI CRC Checksum To enable this option the init...

Page 61: ...Adding Folders On the Folder screen press the Add button and the Add Folder screen appears This screen allows you to add a folder After entering the information press Apply to create new folder 61...

Page 62: ...they cannot delete a file from the folder Share Folder Limit Enter the maximum size of the folder in Gigabytes GB The folder cannot grow beyond this limit You can enter a 0 to turn off the share folde...

Page 63: ...limit You can enter a 0 to turn off the share folder limit Remove Folders To remove a folder press the Remove button from the specified folder row The system will confirm folder deletion Press Yes to...

Page 64: ...Allow source port 1024 Choose the one which best fits your needs IO Mapping There are three selections available Guest system root account will have full access to this share root root Guest system r...

Page 65: ...k to open snapshot schedule setup screen licking on schedule button then schedule setup screen app C c ear Checked the enable heck box to activate the snapshot scheduled operation The N0503 snapshot i...

Page 66: ...n press the ACL button and the ACL setting screen appear This screen allows you to configure access to the specific folder and sub folders for users and groups Select a user or a gro ACL setting Item...

Page 67: ...m your ACL settings ly To setup sub folders ACL click on symbol to extract sub folders list as screen If one user has belong the priority Deny Re ed to more than one group but different privilege than...

Page 68: as a share folder type From the main menu the stackable feature is located under Storage Please refer the figure below for reference A Add a Stack Target Volume se refer to the figure below With th...

Page 69: is no user name and password needed to access target volume then leave it blank Once IP with volume have been set you may need to input a valid user name and password to validate your access righ...

Page 70: ...ccess with settings have been completed Stack target with export share name pmmeeting No Stack Target The Browseable setting will be same method of setting for system share folder It designates whethe...

Page 71: ...cess it and ACL button will be grayed out If Public is set to No the ACL button will be available on the Stack Target List window Click Apply to save your changes B Activate a Stack Target After your...

Page 72: ...g After the format is complete the stack target volume will be created successfully You will see the volume s capacity and status in the Stack Target List screen C Edit a Stack Target To make any chan...

Page 73: ...connected by situations such as power outages or network disconnects When this happens the Reconnect button will available To attempt to reconnect the stack target click Reconnect ISO Mount The ISO Mo...

Page 74: ...the figure below for reference Select on the ISO mount function and you will have the screen shot appear as following A Add a ISO file From the figure above select ISO file from drop down share list...

Page 75: ...onfirmation to complete mounting ISO file Or without Mount as ISO file export name input system will automatic to give the export name by ISO file name If left Mount as blink then system will create m...

Page 76: ...m automatically has folder Thecus 01 created User and Group Authentication The N0503 has built in user database that allows administrators to manage user access using different group policies From the...

Page 77: ...e SMB CIFS Work Group ADS Domain Name e g N0503 ADS NT Support Select Disable to disable authentication through Windows Active Directory Server or Windows NT Authentication Method Select ADS for Windo...

Page 78: ...S server specified in the WAN configuration page should be able to correctly resolve the ADS server name The time zone setting between N0503 and ADS should be identical The system time difference betw...

Page 79: screen appears 2 On the Local User Setting screen enter a name in the User Name box 3 Enter a User ID number If left blank the system will automatically assign one 4 Enter a password in the Passwor...

Page 80: user from the Local User Configuration screen 2 Click on the Edit button and Local User Setting screen appears 3 From here you can enter a new password and re enter to confirm or use the or button...

Page 81: ...enu choose the Group item and the Local Group Configuration screen appears This screen allows you to Add Edit and Remove local groups Local Group Configuration Item Description Add Press the Add butto...

Page 82: the Members List using the button 6 Click the Apply button to save your changes Edit Groups 1 On the Local Group Configuration screen select a group name from the list 2 Press the Edit button to m...

Page 83: ...dd numerous users and groups automatically by importing a simple comma separated plain text txt file From the Accounts menu click Batch Mgmt and the Batch Create Users and Groups dialogue will appear...

Page 84: ...s you how Printer Information From the Application Server menu choose the Printer item and the Printer Information screen appears This screen provides the following information about the USB printer c...

Page 85: ...screen Click Next 5 Select the A network printer or a printer attached to another computer option 6 Select Connect to a printer on the Internet or on a home or office network and enter http N0503_IP_...

Page 86: ...ver in Windows Vista follow the steps below 1 Open Printer Folder from the Control Panel 2 Click the right mouse button in anywhere on the Printers folder and then select Add Printer 3 Select Add a ne...

Page 87: ...d to go into next page without waiting for Searching for available printers to finish 5 Click Select a shared printer by name Type http Thecus_NAS 631 printers usb printer in the box where Thecus_NAS_...

Page 88: ...ontact your printer manufacturer for help 7 Windows will attempt to connect to the printer 8 You can choose to set this printer as the default printer by checking the Set as the default printer box Cl...

Page 89: identify the N0503 to iTunes clients Password Enter password to control access to your iTunes music Rescan Interval Rescan interval in seconds MP3 Tag Encode Specify tag encoding for MP3 files sto...

Page 90: other users on the network can share the bandwidth equally Under the Backup menu click Nsync and the Nsync window appears Below is a description of each field Nsync Item Description Add Click to ad...

Page 91: ...t whether the target is a Thecus Product e g N0503 or FTP server Nsync Mode Synchronize mode or Incremental mode Target Server IP Address The IP address of your target server Source Folder The share f...

Page 92: ...entication Local User Configuration Add Users 2 On the Nsync server grant that user ex nsyncsource1 write access to the nsync folder For instructions on how to set up a folder s ACL see Chapter 4 Stor...

Page 93: ...cify whether the backup will be incremental If unchecked the backup will be a full backup Destination Click to specify the destination folder file location Excluded extensions Files with these file na...

Page 94: ...back up 4 Click Next and in the Backup Type Destination and Name page specify a back up location using the Browse button 5 Find and select the drive that specifies your N0503 as your backup destinatio...

Page 95: ...the system enter your user name and password and select Web Disk or Photo server then click Login to log into the system You will be taken to the selected interface Using WebDisk The N0503 provides a...

Page 96: ...older To access folders with access control you must first login with a local user account For more information on how to setup user rights to the folders please check Chapter 4 Storage Management Sha...

Page 97: ...folders and files Modified Shows the time of most recent modification of folders and files owner Owner of the file There is also the way by using right click button to bring up contact windows as shor...

Page 98: ...upload their pictures using the Windows XP Publishing Wizard 1 Click on the XP Publishing Wizard icon on top right corner 2 The XP Web Publishing Wizard Client screen appears Click on the link to ins...

Page 99: ...cture you want to publish On the left pane there will be an icon labeled Publish this folder to the Web 5 Click on this icon and Web Publishing Wizard will start 6 Select the pictures you want to publ...

Page 100: ...oto Web Server 8 Select N0503 Photo Gallery Wizard to publish your pictures to the N0503 9 Login into the N0503 with your local user name and password 10 Create your album by entering an album name an...

Page 101: ...ctures to 12 Confirm the target album 13 Windows will show you that the picture upload is in progress 14 When the upload is finished the Wizard will ask you whether if you want to go to the website Cl...

Page 102: ...15 Click on the user s icon to go to that user s album 16 You will see the user s album list Click on Album 17 Finished You will see the pictures just selected in the album 102...

Page 103: 255 characters Delete Delete the selected albums or photos NOTE Only logged in users will see these icons To prevent system errors the N0503 sets the following limitations on photo files Each file...

Page 104: Uploading Pictures to Albums Uploading pictures to albums using the Web User Interface is easy 1 When the album is created click the album icon to enter the album Initially the album is empty 2 Cli...

Page 105: the My Computer folder in Windows 2 In the menu bar select Tools and then Map Network Drive 3 The Map Network Drive window appears 4 Assign a drive letter for the share folder 5 Click the Browse bu...

Page 106: ...esktop You can access the folder by double clicking on the icon Mapping the N0503 as an iSCSI Drive With the N0503 you are able to map it as an iSCSI drive With iSCSI you can remotely access the N0503...

Page 107: ...Wizard Click Next to continue 4 Leave the default selections and click Next 5 Read the license agreement To continue with the installation click I Agree and then click Next 6 The iSCSI Initiator will...

Page 108: ...operties window will appear 8 elect the Discovery tab Under Target Portals click Add S Enter the IP address of the N050 Click OK 9 3 10 On the iSCSI Initiator Properties window select the Targets tab...

Page 109: ...ick OK to continue If you have enabled CHAP click Advanced Under Advanced Settings check the CHAP login information checkbox and enter your username and password Click OK 12 Right click My Computer on...

Page 110: ...d you will then be able to use the iSCSI target as a local drive Windows Vista ecause Windows Vista has the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator pre installed you will not ave to install this piece of software I...

Page 111: ...y rebuilds the spare disk when one of the disks in the RAID set fa emote Administratio can set up your N0503 for remo nistration With remote administration ou can access your N0503 over the Internet e...

Page 112: ...r E mail Address xxx example co b Password or DDNS Key c Host Name www N0503 dyndns org d Enable wildcard Select Yes pdate e Update Manually Click U Part III Setting up Virtual Servers HTTPS 1 Navigat...

Page 113: ...e the hard disk crash If you are using RAID 1 RAID 5 or RAID 6 you can easily replace a damaged hard drive in the Thecus N0503 while keeping your data secure with the a Hard Drive Dam display warning...

Page 114: ...s type under the DOS prompt You ma http e hp _m downloads _a viewdownload downloaditemid 57 nav 0 d the Reset to lt If y o R In 1 Power on the N0503 and immediatel The reset button is near the LAN co...

Page 115: ...the NTP erver clock isc org by default please make sure the DNS Server is correctly thereby allowing the NTP Server name to correctly resolve See System etwork WAN DNS Server synchronized However if...

Page 116: ...or iSCSI Target Volume rst the iSCSI volume is now able to expand its capacity from unused space From e volume list simply select the iSCSI volume you like to expand and click the xpand button W T R F...

Page 117: ...checkbox enabled the following message pop up will appear for confirmation After the RAID volume has been created you may remove this USB disk until the next time the system boots The RAID volume can...

Page 118: ...ailable in this firmware release With this function the iSCSI capacity can be more flexible and more effic y serve ientl more users The idea for iSCSI thin provisioning is sharing the available physic...

Page 119: ...thin provision volume by dragging the llocation bar to the desired size After the size has been determined click OK to confirm Now you will see the iSCSI thin provisioning volume is available from the...

Page 120: ...enshot above 2 The iSCSI target volume under thin provisioning starts with 333 38GB in physical size and you may use drag the Virtual Size bar to select the desired thin provisioning or a virtual size...

Page 121: ...on under thin provisioning the physical capacity 333 8GB The screen shot to setup an iSCSI target volume under thin provisioning of 1700GB iSCSI target volume creation The maximum virtual size is 1430...

Page 122: ...efault LUN ID of 0 in previous firmware versions which was un configurable From v3 00 04 it is configurable from 1 to 254 with a default of the next available number in ascending numerical order The L...

Page 123: ...Error Corrections None 123...

Page 124: ...I pdated Photo Server User Interface ame as the admin login user interface the photo server has a brand new art design om its previous version W There are additional fe Updated L There is a brand ne N...

Page 125: ...Disclaimer Page Added The following disclaimer page has been added to this firmware release Please click the check box if you do not want to have this page displayed during the next login 125...

Page 126: ...oftware modules are released by Thecus To enable this service simply check the Enable check box By enabling this service the items in bold will be sent to Thecus via the Internet Other than the define...

Page 127: ...for authentication The Rsync target server username and password is used for this replication feature only It is not related to the standard local user NOTE Added Rsync Backup Feature Thecus Nsync no...

Page 128: ...eway for Clients of DHCP Server Route The adding of a 2nd gateway has been phased in to serve clients that use their Thecus NAS as a DHCP server to have another route to balance traffic bandwidth If t...

Page 129: ...ogin UI The previous chapters have screenshots of the original user interface Please note that all changes are visual only There are no functional changes NOTE Updated Main User Interface The look and...

Page 130: ...item The other way administrator can add favorite function is clicking Favorite Add icon in each function screen Please refer figure below in red circuit icon Anytime while administrator like to back...

Page 131: ...choose from Error Corrections The snapshot function in description of schedule setting has changed as below to avoid user confusion Original The snapshot schedule rules can be setup for monthly weekly...

Page 132: ...densing Certifications CE FCC BSMI C Tick RoHS Compliant Software Specifications Network File Protocols Microsoft Networks CIFS SMB Apple Filing Protocol AFP 3 0 Network File System NFS v3 File Transf...

Page 133: ...orean Spanish Russian and Polish NTP support Wake on LAN Scheduled Power On Off Event Notification Email notification Buzzer notification LCD UPS Support UPS monitoring via USB interface and system sh...

Page 134: ...ilable on our Download Center http www thecus com download php If you are still experiencing problems with your N0503 or require a Return Merchandise Authorization RMA feel free to contact technical s...

Page 135: on its other hard disk drives RAID Levels The Thecus N0503 supports standard RAID levels 0 1 5 6 10 and JBOD You choose a RAID level when you create a system volume The factors for selecting a RAI...

Page 136: ...for mission critical applications RAID 10 RAID 10 is implemented as a striped array whose segments are RAID 1 arrays RAID 10 has the same fault tolerance as RAID level 1 RAID 10 has the same overhead...

Page 137: ...or 5 disks are of the same size and used in RAID N0503 disk usage percentage is listed below RAID Level Percentage Used RAID 0 100 RAID 1 1 n x 100 RAID 5 n 1 n x 100 RAID 6 n 2 n x 100 RAID 10 50 JBO...

Page 138: ...can be resolved ADS Benefits ADS lets the N0503 integrate itself with the existing ADS in an office environment This means the N0503 is able to recognize your office users and passwords on the ADS se...

Page 139: ...ts contributors This product includes software developed by Winning Strategies Inc This product includes software developed by the Apache Group for use in the Apache HTTP server project http www apach...

Page 140: ...mmit to using it Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead You can apply it to your programs too When we speak of free software we are r...

Page 141: ...Program independent of having been made by running the Program Whether that is true depends on what the Program does 1 You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program s source code as you r...

Page 142: ...esponding machine readable source code which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange or b Accompany it with a written offer...

Page 143: ...te so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all For example if a patent licen...

Page 144: ...e software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally NO WARRANTY 11 BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY AP...
