Ideal values (20-25°C/68-77°F, 40-70%)
Too wet (> 70%)
Too dry (< 40%)
4.4.4 Maximum / Minimum function
• Press MEM button to show the minimum (MIN) values of tem-
perature and humidity of indoor and outdoor transmitters.
Press MEM button again to show the maximum (MAX) values.
• Hold MEM button for 2 seconds to clear the recorded maxi-
mum and minimum reading.
4.4.5 Temperature Alert function
• Press TEMP ALARM button to enter the Temperature Alarm
function. “
” appears on the LCD.
• Hold TEMP ALARM button for 2 seconds to enter the Alarm
setting mode. Temperature flashes. Press
button to
adjust the upper temperature limit. Press TEMP ALARM but-
ton to confirm the settings.
• Press TEMP ALARM twice to get to the lower temperature
limit. “
” appears on the LCD.
• Temperature flashes. Press
button to adjust the upper
temperature limit. Press TEMP ALARM button to confirm the
4.5 Weather Forecast
• There are 5 different weather symbols (sunny, slightly cloudy,
cloudy, rainy, snowy) and 3 different symbols for the trend of
atmospheric pressure ( increasing, steady, decreasing).
• The weather forecast relates to a range of 12 to 24 hours and
indicates only a general weather trend. The accuracy is about
70 %.
5. Outdoor thermo sensor
• Press "°C /°F” button on the thermo sensor unit to select Cel-
sius mode or Fahrenheit mode for the Thermo Sensor display.
• Press RESET to re-start in case of problems.
• After successful installation screw up the battery compart-
ment of transmitter carefully.
• For having additional external transmitters (maximum 3),
proceed as described in chapter 3. Select for each sensor a
different channel by the CHANNEL button before inserting
4. How to operate
4.1 Language setting of weekday and °C/°F
• Hold " SET” button for 2 seconds. The language indicator is
flashing. Press
button to adjust day-of-week language:
English (EN), German (DE), Dutch (DU), Spanish (SP), Italian
(IT), French (FR). Confirm with SET button.
• The temperature display is flashing. Press
button to
adjust °C or °F. Confirm with SET button.
4.2 Snooze Alarm Clock Function
• Set your desired alarm time by turning the alarm setting
• Slide the alarm switch upward to ON. The alarm function is
• Once the alarm starts to ring, you can activate the snooze fun-
ction by pressing the top button LIGHT/SNOOZE.The alarm will
be interrupted for 4 minutes.
• To deactivate the snooze function slide the alarm switch
downward to OFF.
4.3 Projection and backlight
• Press the top button LIGHT/SNOOZE. The backlight and the
projection will light for 5 seconds.
• For permanent projection plug in the adapter and turn on the
• Adjust the focus of the projection image by turning the
FOCUS knob and rotate the image by the ROTATE knob. Press
the FLIP button to turn the image by 180°.
4.4 Thermometer and hygrometer
4.4.1 Display change
• Press CHANNEL button to change between the display of
indoor values (IN) and outdoor values (CH1, 2 or 3).
4.4.2 Trend pointers
• The trend pointers displayed on the LCD indicate if the trend of
temperature and humidity is increasing, steady or decreasing.
4.4.3 Comfort zone
• There are 3 different indicators for the comfort zone of in-
door climate:
– Radio controlled projection clock with weather station
– Radio controlled projection clock with weather station
TFA No. 98.1035 Anleitung 06.11.2006 14:53 Uhr Seite 7