For every sudden or significant change in the atmospheric pressure, the weather icons will
update accordingly to represent the change in weather. If the icons do not change, then it
means either the atmospheric pressure has not changed or the change has been too slow
for the weather station to register. However, if the icon displayed is a sun or raining cloud,
there will be no change of icon if the weather gets any better (with sunny icon) or worse (with
rainy icon) since the icons are already at their extremes.
The icons displayed forecasts the weather in terms of getting better or worse and not
necessarily sunny or rainy as each icon indicates. For example, if the current weather is
cloudy and the rainy icon is displayed, it does not mean that the product is faulty because it
is not raining. It simply means that the atmospheric pressure has dropped and the weather is
expected to get worse but not necessarily rainy.
Cloudy with sunny intervals