Relative humidity measuring range:
Indoor :
20% to 95% with 1% resolution
(Display “- -“ if temperature is OL.F; display “19%” if < 20% and “96%” if > 95%)
Indoor temperature checking interval : every 16 seconds
Indoor humidity checking interval
: every 16 seconds
Outdoor temperature reception
: every 4 seconds
Power consumption:
Weather station
: 2 x AA, IEC, LR6, 1.5V
Temperature transmitter
2 x AA, IEC, LR6, 1.5V
Battery life cycle (Alkaline batteries recommended)
Weather station
Approximately 18 months
Temperature transmitter
Approximately 24 months
Dimensions (L x W x H)
Weather station
124.3 x 28.4 x 92.5 mm
Temperature transmitter
38.2 x 21.2 x 128.3 mm