HE.19048_A © 08/2017
3.3 Description of the tool indication
See page IX, tab. 1
4. Remarks in respect of the determined use
4.1 Operation of the tool
First you have to select the right sliding forks and the appropriate expanding head (table 3) for the intended application.
To insert or change the sliding forks please follow picture 13-16on page IV.
To expand the tube please follow picture 19-22 on page V-VI.
The sliding cycle is started by actuating the trigger (page VII, pic. 25). The sliding cycle is characterized by the closing
motion of the forks page VII, pic. 26). By the sliding cycle please follow picture 23-27 on page V.
Make sure that the sliding forks (page IV, pic. 14 and 16) are completely pushed in and safely engaged.
A necessary condition for a permanently leaking free connection is that the sliding cycle has to be comple-
ted respectively the sliding sleeves has been pushed onto the fi tting completely.
The assembly of gas pipes in gas distribution lines is prohibited unless the system provider gives an explicit
permission to use this tool on special gas fi ttings.
The sliding process can be interrupted at any moment by releasing the trigger.
The user has to check by optical means whether the sliding sleeves are pushed on the fi tting completely.
If a sliding cycle has been interrupted the fi tting has to be either dismantled or the cycle must be repeated a
second time until the sleeves are positioned properly.
Wear safety glases during the sliding cycle.
Instruction Manual