9-4-1. Message structure
Write a message to be sent from the master unit to the PW-A power supply unit through the
IF-41RS as shown in example 1.
It is possible to use multi-commands using command characters.
The command separator must be ",".
The master unit may send a message consisting of a maximum of 255 characters to the PW-A
power supply unit.
A message with the address characters with "#" are sent to all PW-A power supply units.
(Broadcast mode)
A message sent by a PW-A power supply unit must have the structure shown in example 1.
(when the PW-A power supply unit is allowed to send a response message or service request.)
Do not put any spaces among characters. However, it is possible to put a space among
alphanumeric and numeric command characters. (It is possible to write SW 1 in example 1.)
In this case, the space is counted as a character.
When a send request command such as ST or PWID is sent in the broadcast mode, signal
collision occurs. Do not send a send request command in the broadcast mode.
<Example 1> Sending a signal for turning on the MAIN OUTPUT key of the slave unit having the
system address of 1