Powering Up the EVM - Software Control
SLVU548A – October 2011 – Revised November 2017
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Copyright © 2011–2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TPS65185 Evaluation Module
Powering Up the EVM - Software Control
To power up the EVM follow the steps outlined below:
Install WAKEUP jumper in the GND position.
Install VCOM_CTRL jumper in the GND position.
Install PWRUP jumper in the GND position.
Connect the USB interface connector to the computer USB port using a standard USB cable.
Connect a 3-V - 6-V supply from the VIN terminal to GND.
Move the WAKEUP jumper from the GND position to VIO position.
Run the TPS65185.exe software:
Click on “start".
Click on “All Programs”.
Select TPS65185 program group.
Click on TPS65185.
The following window should appear:
This image is for illustration only and does not represent the default register settings.
Figure 4. Startup Panel TPS65185 Control Software
Update the Slave Address to 0x68h and click on the ACTIVE bit in the ENABLE register. All regulators
should power up.
Configuration Registers/BASIC Tab
The BASIC panel represents the register map and contains a button for each bit. A depressed button
represents a bit set to ‘1’ and a released button represents a ‘0’.