TPS2388EVM-612 Host Setup
SLUUBQ7 – August 2017
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated
TPS2388EVM-612: PoE PSE Evaluation Module for TPS2388
TPS2388EVM-612 Host Setup
MSP-EXP430G2 Setup
The TPS2388EVM-612 accepts the MSP-EXP430G2 evaluation module when the application requires
management of the TPS2388 devices with an external controller. Before inserting the MSP-EXP430G2
into the TPS2388EVM-612, make the following jumper changes and ensure that the target MSP430
(MSP430G2553) device is installed:
1. Remove the shunt on J5 in the P1.6 slot
2. Remove the shunts on J3 in the RXD and TXD slot. Re-install these in the vertical position as
described in
MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad Development Kit
3. Install MSP-EXP430G2 onto TPS2388EVM-612 and ensure that the USB2ANY ribbon cable is
installed into J2
4. Connect the PC to the LaunchPad as shown in
5. The source code was developed for the MSP430 LaunchPad Development Kit (MSP-EXP430G2
) using the Code Composer Studio™ (CCS) version 7.1.0
) development environment. The target MSP430 can be
programmed within this environment. The reference code can be downloaded from the TPS2388
product folder on
6. Once CCS is installed, use the basic set of instructions listed in
to import, build, and run
the project. CCS version 7.1.0 is used in the following examples. Note that a terminal program such as
HyperTerminal or Teraterm is required to view the output from the EVM when it is running.
Basic CCS and Terminal Setup
1. Launch the CCS program on the PC: Start
Texas Instruments
Code Composer Studio 7.1.0
Code Composer Studio 7.1.0
the workspace location and CCS starts
3. Import the project: File
Import Existing CCS Eclipse Project
4. Navigate to the project location, then click the
5. Set the active project: Project, Build Configurations, Set Active, Virtual-Auto, or Semi-Auto
6. Build the project by clicking the hammer symbol
7. Launch debug session from CCS to activate the current project: Run, Debug (or F11).
8. Run the active project: Run, Resume (or play button, F8)
9. Determine the PC COM port connected to the LaunchPad by going into the Device Manager Ports
(COM and LPT) section. Launch the terminal program.
10. Once the terminal program is properly connected to the LaunchPad running the POE firmware, then
text similar to
appears (If it does not appear at first, try to close Tera Term and reopen).