The CPU then prepares to service the interrupt. This preparation process is described in detail in
DSP CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide
. In preparation, the corresponding CPU IFR and IER bits are
cleared, EALLOW and LOOP are cleared, INTM and DBGM are set, the pipeline is flushed and the return
address is stored, and the automatic context save is performed. The vector of the ISR is then fetched from the
PIE module. If the interrupt request comes from a multiplexed interrupt, the PIE module uses the group PIEIERx
and PIEIFRx registers to decode which interrupt needs to be serviced. This decode process is described in
The address for the interrupt service routine that is executed is fetched directly from the PIE interrupt vector
table. There is one 32-bit vector for each of the possible 96 interrupts within the PIE. Interrupt flags within the
PIE module (PIEIFRx.y) are automatically cleared when the interrupt vector is fetched. The PIE acknowledge bit
for a given interrupt group, however, must be cleared manually when ready to receive more interrupts from the
PIE group.
1.6.2 Vector Table Mapping
On 28xx devices, the interrupt vector table can be mapped to four distinct locations in memory. In practice only
the PIE vector table mapping is used.
This vector mapping is controlled by the following mode bits/signals:
VMAP is found in the Status Register 1 ST1 (bit 3). A device reset sets this bit to 1. The state of this bit can be modified
by writing to ST1 or by SETC/CLRC VMAP instructions. For normal operation leave this bit set.
M0M1MAP is found in the Status Register 1 ST1 (bit 11). A device reset sets this bit to 1. The state of this bit can be
modified by writing to ST1 or by SETC/CLRC M0M1MAP instructions. For normal 28xx device operation, this bit should
remain set. M0M1MAP = 0 is reserved for TI testing only.
ENPIE is found in the PIECTRL Register (bit 0). The default value of this bit, on reset, is set to 0 (PIE disabled). The
state of this bit can be modified after reset by writing to the PIECTRL register (address 0x0000 0CE0).
Using these bits and signals the possible vector table mappings are shown in
Table 1-117. Interrupt Vector Table Mapping
Vector MAPS
Vectors Fetched From
Address Range
M1 Vector
M1 SARAM Block
0x000000 - 0x00003F
M0 Vector
M0 SARAM Block
0x000000 - 0x00003F
BROM Vector
Boot ROM Block
0x3FFFC0 - 0x3FFFFF
PIE Vector
PIE Block
0x000D00 - 0x000DFF
Vector map M0 and M1 Vector is a reserved mode only. On the 28x devices these are used as SARAM.
The M1 and M0 vector table mapping are reserved for TI testing only. When using other vector mappings, the
M0 and M1 memory blocks are treated as SARAM blocks and can be used freely without any restrictions.
After a device reset operation, the vector table is mapped as shown in
Table 1-118. Vector Table Mapping After Reset Operation
Vector MAPS
Reset Fetched From
Address Range
BROM Vector
Boot ROM Block
0x3FFFC0 - 0x3FFFFF
On the 28x devices, the VMAP and M0M1MAP modes are set to 1 on reset. The ENPIE mode is forced to 0 on reset.
The reset vector is always fetched from the boot ROM.
After the reset and boot is complete, the PIE vector table should be initialized by the user's code. Then the
application enables the PIE vector table. From that point on the interrupt vectors are fetched from the PIE vector
table. Note: when a reset occurs, the reset vector is always fetched from the vector table as shown in
. After a reset the PIE vector table is always disabled.
illustrates the process by which the vector table mapping is selected.
System Control and Interrupts
TMS320x2806x Microcontrollers
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