25 July 1996
Micro-reader Module
1.1 General
This document provides information about the TIRIS Micro-reader Module RI-STU-MRD1.
It describes the module and how to integrate it.
1.2 Product Description
The Micro-reader is an intelligent module providing RF and Control functions to read and program
TIRIS transponders. It is equipped with a Serial Communications Interface (SCI) which may be
directly connected to commonly used system controllers. The Micro-reader works together with a
47 µHenry, low-Q antenna, and therefore the system does not need tuning.
1.3 Product Option Coding
For product and ordering numbers of TIRIS Products and Accessories, please contact your local
TIRIS Application Center.
There is only one version of the Micro-reader Module, that is: RI-STU-MRD1
1.4 Conventions
Certain conventions are used in this document in order to display important information, these
conventions are:
A warning is used where care must be taken, or a certain procedure
must be followed, in order to prevent injury or harm to your health
CAUTION: This indicates information on conditions which must be met, or a procedure
which must be followed, which if not heeded could cause permanent damage to
the Module.
Indicates conditions which must be met, or procedures which must be followed, to ensure
proper functioning of the Module.
Indicates information which makes usage of the Module easier.