Public Version
IVA2.2 Subsystem Basic Programming Model
Programming model for a correct warm-reset:
The software user must replay the noncombined events required for wakeup (if any):
1. Globally mask interrupts by setting the DSP CPU TSR[0] or CSR[0] GIE bit to 0 (already done at boot
2. Restore the interrupt selector configuration:
(a) IVA_IC.
register (where j = {1 to 3})
(b) IVA_IC.
register (optional, where i = {0 to 3})
(c) IVA_IC.
register (optional)
3. Replay the noncombined event captured in IVA_IC.
(where i = {0 to 3}):
For each DSP CPU interrupt I = (4 to 15)
(a) Grab mapped event by setting the IVA_IC.
INTSELi[6:0] field (where j = {1 to 3}).
(b) Check if the event is combined (EVT0...3) or not combined (EVT4...127).
(c) If combined, exit the loop and go to next loop iteration.
(d) If noncombined:
(i) Check whether the event is pending in the IVA_IC.
EFy bit (where i = {0 to 3} and y
= {0 to 127}).
(ii) If not pending, exit the loop and go to the next loop iteration.
(iii) If pending, set the associated IFi bit in the DSP CPU IFR register.
Software must ensure that an event is enabled only once in the DSP megamodule interrupt
selector/combiner: If a noncombined event is mapped to an enabled DSP CPU interrupt, the
associated combined event is masked in the associated IVA_IC.
(where i = {0 to
3}) register (and/or the combined event is not mapped to the DSP CPU interrupt).
Reciprocally, if a combined event is mapped to a DSP CPU interrupt, all the unmasked
events in the associated IVA_IC.
(with i = {0, 1 to 3}) register are not mapped as
noncombined events to an enabled DSP CPU interrupt (through the DSP CPU IER register).
Software program example for Step 3:
/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
/* Replays IFR bits associated to noncombined events */
/* Assumes interrupts globally disabled (GIE bit set to 0)*/
/* Assumes IVA_IC.INTMUXj() and IVA_IC.EVTFLAGi() are access macros to DSP megamodule IC
registers */
/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
myIPR = IPR; // save IPR
for(I=0; i<12; I++) { // for each CPU maskable interrupt
myEvt = ( INTMUX( I >> 2 + 1) >> ( (I & 0x3) << 3 ) ) & 0x7F;
if(myEvt >= 4) { // noncombined event
if( (EVTFLAG(myEvt >> 5 ) >> (myEvt & 0x1F ) ) & 0x1 ) {
myIPR |= (1<<(I+4));
IPR=myIPR; // update IPR register
/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
/* Interrupts can be globally re-enabled from that point*/
/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
4. Restore the CPU interrupt configuration by setting the DSP CPU IER register accordingly.
5. Restore the IVA2.2 context (except saved return-PC).
6. Globally enable the interrupts by setting the DSP CPU TSR[0] or CSR[0] GIE bit to 1.
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
IVA2.2 Subsystem
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated