Public Version
PRCM Functional Description
, Sleep and Wake-Up Dependencies, summarizes the possible dependency combinations
between power domains. Power Domain Controls Power Domain Hardware Control
Each power domain in the device is controlled by a dedicated power state controller (PSCON) in the
PRCM module.
When a state transition occurs for a given power domain, the related PSCON automatically manages the
The following sequences are for information only. They do not require software control and are
hardware-managed by the PSCON.
Active-to-retention transition:
1. The PSCON isolates the power domain outputs.
2. The PSCON saves the flip-flop content.
3. The PSCON opens the power switch.
Retention-to-active transition:
1. The PSCON closes the power switch.
2. The PSCON restores the flip-flop content.
3. The PSCON deactivates the isolation of the power domain outputs.
Active-to-off transition:
1. The PSCON isolates the power domain outputs.
2. The PSCON opens the power switch.
Off-to-active transition:
1. The PSCON closes the power switch.
2. The PSCON deactivates the isolation of the power domain outputs.
Device power domain implementation also depends on hardwired dependencies, both sleep and wake-up
transitions, between power domains. This means a single power domain transitions from one power state
to another depending on the states and transitions of the linked domains.
For details about the dependencies between power domains, see
, Idle and Wake-Up
Management, and
, Basic Programming Model. Power Domain Software Controls
If all conditions are met to initiate a power domain state transition (all the modules are idle/standby and
the related clocks are shut down), the PRCM module automatically manages the transition according to
the following settings:
Dependencies setting: The PRCM.CM_SLEEPDEP_<domain> registers and
PRCM.PM_WKDEP_<domain> registers are used to set/clear programmable dependencies between
power domains.
Not all dependencies are programmable by software; some are hardwired and thus do not allow any
control. For more information about the dependencies between power domains, see
, Idle
and Wake-Up Management, and
, Basic Programming Model.
Power state transitions setting: The transitions of each power domain state can be controlled by
software through a set of dedicated status registers (PRCM.PM_PWSTCTRL_<domain_name>) that
allow the configuration of the power state that the domain enters after completing a transition
(PRCM.PM_PWSTCTRL_<domain_name>[1:0] POWERSTATE bit field). These status registers are
used to check the current state of the logic and memories in a power domain and to learn about any
ongoing state transition.
Also, if the power domain offers different settings for logic and memory, the
PRCM.PM_PWSTCTRL_<domain_name> registers allow selection of the state to which the logic and
memory go when the power domain is put in retention. They also allow selection of the state to which
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Power, Reset, and Clock Management
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated