Public Version
Camera ISP Basic Programming Model
width 4096 (if vertical resize value is in range: (
[19:10] VRSZ + 1) = [64..512])
width 2048 (if vertical resize value is in range: (
[19:10] VRSZ + 1) = [513..1024])
Must be even
Must be a multiple of 16 bytes (for vertical upsizing)
When input is from preview engine/CCDC:
The input height and width must be <= the output of the preview engine/CCDC.
The input address and offset must be zero.
The input cannot be color-separated data.
If the source is memory:
The vertical start pixel must be zero.
The horizontal start pixel must be within the range: 0:15 for color interleaved, 0:31 for color
separate data.
The memory output line offset and address must be on 32-byte boundaries.
Input height and width MUST adhere to the equations in
Table 6-71. Camera ISP Resizer How to Set Input Height and Width
8-phase, 4-tap mode
4-phase, 7-tap mode
[12:0] HORZ
(32*sph + (ow - 1)*hrsz + 16) >> 8 + 7
(64*sph + (ow - 1)*hrsz + 32) >> 8 + 7
[28:16] VERT
(32*spv + (oh - 1)*vrsz + 16) >> 8 + 4
(64*spv + (oh - 1)*vrsz + 32) >> 8 + 7
- sph = Start phase horizontal (
[22:20] HSTPH)
- spv = Start phase vertical (
[25:23] VSTPH)
- ow = Output width (
[11:0] HORZ + extra)
- oh = Output height (
[27:16] VERT)
- hrsz = Horizontal resize value (
[9:0] HRSZ + 1)
- vrsz = Vertical resize value (
[19:10] VRSZ +1)
extra = 0 when
[17:16] ALGO = 0 (edge enhancement disabled)
extra = 4 when
[17:16] ALGO != 0 (edge enhancement enabled)
Normally, (for example, for a QVGA display or encoded PAL video), the output size, not the
input size, matters. The image provided by preview/CCDC/memory must have an adequate
output size: at least
[12:0] HORZ x
[28:16] VERT. If the image is
bigger, the resizer can crop extra pixels.
The phase is usually computed to keep the center of the image at the same location. This
permits a natural-looking continuous digital zoom.
For this reason,
explains how to compute
[12:0] HORZ ,
[28:16] VERT, not how to compute the output size.
6.5.9 Programming the H3A
This section discusses issues related to software control of the H3A module. It lists which registers are
required to be programmed in different modes, how to enable and disable the H3A, and how to check the
status of the H3A. It also discusses the different register access types and enumerates programming
Camera ISP H3A Setup/Initialization
This section discusses the configuration of the H3A required before image processing can begin.
SWPU177N – December 2009 – Revised November 2010
Camera Image Signal Processor
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated