Software Overview
3. Next you will need to select your serial comport. This can be found by going to:
Control Panel->System->Hardware tab->Device Manager->Ports(COM & LPT)
Look for the comport that is named “USB Serial Port” or similar, then select this comport in the “Setup
Connection” window.
4. Click “OK.” This will close the “Setup Connection” window
5. Click “Connect.” When connected, the status bar at the lower left should say “Connected”
6. Once the GUI has connected set the Graph Update Rate to its slowest setting.
7. Move motor 1 and motor 2 to loop control 1 and give them both some speed. This will close the
current/torque loop while using a reference (instead of actual) signal for the torque command from the
outer speed loop. This “open loop” speed start-up is needed in a sensorless application to start from
zero speed . The three graphs should now be displaying information about motor 1. Notice the amount
of current draw.
8. Once the motors have started spinning move the loop control to 2 for both motors to enter closed loop
current/torque AND speed control. You will now see a much lower current draw as the control loop
regulates the current to the minimum level needed to achieve the target speed under no load. If the
motor is loaded slightly (be careful as these motors can not handle very much load) you will notice that
the field oriented control increases the current to maintain the reference speed.
9. When finished evaluating the GUI, click disconnect and power down the motor control board.
SPRUGQ1B – July 2009 – Revised October 2010
Motor Control and PFC Developer’s Kit Quick Start Guide
Copyright © 2009–2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated