LMP91300SWIFEVM User’s Guide
October 9, 2013
TP14 –
Inverted SWIF_MISO
2.3. Setup
2.3.1. Connect pin 2 of J1 to the power line of the board that contains the LMP91300.
2.3.2. Connect pin 3 of J1 to the ground line of the board that contains the LMP91300.
2.3.3. Connect the LMP91300SWIFEVM to the computer using a USB cable connected to J2.
2.3.4. Start the software as described in the LMP91300 Software User’s Guide.
2.4. Load Setup
2.4.1. U8 and U9 can be used to monitor the load line and electronically add a load. They can be
controlled using pins 22 and 23 of the MSP430. If this circuitry is used the user will need to write
code to control it.