USB Interface Board and I
C-Compatible Interface Program
The contents of the LM3643 fault registers are read upon clicking the “Read Flags” button. The registers
are cleared upon read back.
Figure 15. Flags
I/O Pin Controls
The LM3643EVM provides the user with the capability to control the TORCH, STROBE and TX inputs
without the need of an external supply. The Tx Enable Button creates a continuous pulse train when
depressed. The Torch EN button toggles the LM3643's TORCH/TEMP pin high when pressed and low
depressed. The Ext. Strobe Button toggles the Strobe pin high for the duration entered in the field next to
the button.
The IR Strobe Button along with the period and width fields generate a continuous pulse train that can be
used to generate a current pulse pattern on the enabled LEDs.
Figure 16. I/O Pin Controls
LM3643EVM User's Guide
SNVU399 – August 2014
Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated