Circuit Function
Circuit Function
The following paragraphs describe the EVM circuits.
Input Clock
The DAC5674 EVM default operation setting is with a differential input clock
sent to the DAC5674. A 500-mV p-p, 0-V offset, 50% duty-cycle external
sinewave is applied to SMA connector J4 and converted to a differential clock
input to the DAC5674 by transformer T2. This input represents a 50-
load to
the source. In order to preserve the specified performance of the DAC5674
converter, the clock source should feature very low jitter. Using a clock with a
50% duty cycle gives optimum dynamic performance.
Differential ECL/PECL Input Clock
The EVM can be configured for differential ECL/PECL input clock mode by
configuring the board per Table 3−1 and applying the appropriate ECL/PECL
common mode voltage at terminal E1 (VTT). Use J3 and J5 to input the
external differential ECL/PECL clock signals.
Single-Ended Input Clock
The EVM can be configured for single-ended input clock mode by configuring
the board per Table 3−1. SMA connector J3 or header J8 can be used to input
the external TTL/CMOS clock signal.
Table 3−1. EVM Clock Configuration
Clock Configuration
Components Installed
Components Not Installed
Sinewave (Default)
R12, T2, C52
R9, R10, R34, R35, R36, R37,
C55, C56
R9 (0.01-
F cap.), R10 (0.01-
R36, R12, R34, R35, R37, T2,
C55, C56
Single ended TTL/CMOS from J3
R9, C55
R10, R12, R25, R34, R35, R37,
T2, C56
Single ended TTL/CMOS from J8
R34, R37, C55
R9, R10, R12, R35, T2, C56
All component values are per the schematic except where shown in parentheses.
Input Data
The DAC5674 EVM can accept 3.3-V CMOS logic level data inputs through
the 40-pin header J8 per Table 3−2. The board provides 50-
termination to
ground and series dampening resistors to minimize digital ringing and
switching noise. J8 also provides a path for an input clock (see Table 3−1 for
proper board configuration).