Control Register Demonstration
The drop-down box labeled Select Cell Count determines the number of cell voltage measurements that
are displayed: 1 to 6. This function is independent of the cell count. For example, if the user only wanted
to display 3 cells of a 6-cell pack, then the Select Cell Count box is changed to 3. This convenience
feature avoids seeing a somewhat random number being displayed for unconnected cell inputs.
Figure 6. Select Cell Count Set to Three Cells
Control Register Demonstration
The Quick-Start demonstration from the previous section presents the fundamental measurement system
of the bq76925. The method to access and modify the Control Registers using the Evaluation Software is
presented in this section.
View Control Registers
Open the Evaluation Software, if not already open, and click the checkbox marked Show Volatile Control
Figure 7. Volatile Control Registers Checkbox
This expands the home window to show the six registers.
bq76925EVM Evaluation Module
July 2011
2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated