Quick Setup Procedure
String Current A. J1 is a Flag connector.
String Current B. J2 is a Flag connector.
VA connection: If R8 shunt is not stuffed a jumper between 5V and VA must be present
for operation.
Reset: momentarily short these pins to reset the system.
Positive supply. Provide 5.4V< Vin <12.5V, with >90mA. J11 can use a banana plug.
Install to generate continuous NOISE signal.
Ground. J10 can be connected with a banana plug.
RS232 interface; {Pin1:Txout, Pin2:Gnd, Pin3:Rxin}.
Quick Setup Procedure
Step 1: Connect 6V power supply positive to +6V pin of J8 (J8p1) and negative to GND pin of J8 (J8p2).
Alternatively connect positive terminal to J11 and negative terminal to J10.
Step 2: Verify proper LED pattern: GREEN LED is on, YELLOW LED is blinking, RED LED is off.
LED functionality
Upon power-up, the green LED will turn on. The RD-195 will continually check for arcing conditions; the
yellow LED will indicate this by blinking approximately 1 time per second. When an arc is detected the red
LED will turn on and the yellow LED will stop blinking.
As shipped, a detected Arc is automatically cleared after 4 seconds and the board will resume looking for
arcs. This behavior can be changed by the user.
RS232 Interface Operation
The Evaluation Board can output its arc detection status via an RS232 interface located at connector J14.
It will periodically issue a message stating “No Arc Detected” or “Arc Detected” as appropriate.
A custom interface cable is required for this functionality; refer to the table below for pinouts
Pin Number
TX (out)
RX (in)
RS232 Settings
Use of any terminal program will work. On Windows computer systems, HyperTerminal is an available
program that can communicate with the Eval Board. In Windows XP, HyperTerminal can be found on the
Start Menu under Start>Programs>Accessories>Communications. For Windows 7 Professional and
Ultimate: Installation of Windows XP mode will provide Hyperterminal; or use another terminal program.
Termite (
) is free program available for personal and
commercial use.
Once Hyperterminal starts, provide a name for the connection (e.g. “ArcDetectCon-nect”), and select the
appropriate COM port. The port settings for the RS232 link must be set to 115200 baud (bits/sec), 8 Data
Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit and No Flow Control.
When connected and powered up, the Evaluation Board will send out a version information header, then
will transmit either “Arc Searching” or “Arc Detected” on the console port.
AN-2154 RD-195 DC Arc Detection Evaluation Board
SNOA564F – June 2011 – Revised December 2012
Copyright © 2011–2012, Texas Instruments Incorporated