Serial Console
Recording time is not measured, but calculated from the number of samples collected. The speed is used
to determine the amount of time for each sample. If the data rate is changed at the board, the recording
time will be incorrect. This change does not affect the data file, except that samples continue to be
collected with the different settings.
In Recording mode, analysis proceeds as in Analysis mode; Recording mode is identical to Analysis
mode, except that data is written to a file. See
for documentation on Analysis mode.
When Recording mode begins, if the selected file exists, it is erased and overwritten. The pre-existence of
the file is checked only when a new file is selected.
File Format
Data files begin with a header that contains the text collected from ADS1x31REF, the time of recording,
and the speed and gain. Following this header, values are written in either volts or raw codes, with one
value per line. Line separators are in DOS format, consisting of a carriage return and a line feed. This
format can be examined in a text editor and loaded or imported into most other software, including
Voltages are calculated using the reference voltage given in the Vref control; it is therefore important that
this value be correct.
Serial Console
The ADS1x31REF provides a console mode that can be used with any Windows terminal emulation
program, such as Hyperterm
. In Windows, this configuration is done through the Virtual COM Port driver
supplied with the EVM software, causing the ADS1x31REF to appear in Windows as an extra serial port.
Using the Console
To use the console, load a terminal emulation program and connect to the EVM serial port using the
following parameters:
Baud rate: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: none
Local echo: off
Terminal emulation: ANSI or VT100
Setting up the terminal program is beyond the scope of this document; see the specific terminal program
documentation for details.
To locate the serial port, try higher port numbers first. When the board first starts, it outputs the following
ADS1131REF 1.0.0 (c)2010 Texas Instruments
for the ADS1131, or :
ADS1231REF 1.0.0 (c)2010 Texas Instruments
for the ADS1231. Pressing Reset causes the board to output this message.
The command prompt is always
for the ADS1131 and
for the ADS1231. Commands are
entered at this prompt. Commands consist of one letter possibly followed by arguments. The format of the
arguments depends on the command.
Commands are case insensitive. Upper-case characters are printed here, but lower-case characters also
ADS1131REF and ADS1231REF
July 2010
Revised August 2011
2011, Texas Instruments Incorporated