Stump Socks
User Manual
a) death of a patient, user, or other
b) temporary or permanent health
deterioration of a patient, user or
c) a serious public health threat.
• When using modular prosthetic compo-
nents to fabricate a prosthetic limb, the
following aspects have to be considered:
• Use components only according to their
intended purpose.
• If components with different weight
limits are combined, the weight limit of
the weakest component applies to the
whole prosthesis.
• If components for different activity levels
are combined, the activity level of the
component with the lowest activity level
applies to the whole prosthesis.
• Using individual, certified components
with the CE-marking does not release
technicians from their duty to check
component combinations within their
means for fitness for purpose, proper
assembly and safety.
• Should there be evidence that a certain
combination of components is not as
safe as required, the components must
not be combined.
• The prosthesis has to be configured and
assembled according to the recognized
technical rules of the trade.
• The locking torque specifications given for
the modular component have to be met. A
suitable tool (i.e. a torque wrench) has to be
used to set the locking torque accordingly.
• Before the prothesis is handed over to the
user, all modular components have to be