Our appliances can contain batteries/rechargeable batteries.
If this is the case, please refer to its attached product documentation for
additional information on the type and chemical make-up of the battery. For
products with battery compartments you can directly remove the batteries or
rechargeable batteries and dispose of them properly. If the batteries are built
in to the product, do not in any case attempt to remove the batteries your-
self, instead contact one of our employees or appropriate specialist staff.
Important information about the Batteries Act
(Germany: BattG)
Batteries and rechargeable batteries must not be disposed on in house-
hold waste.
Old batteries can contain toxic substances that could damage the envi-
ronment or your health if not stored or disposed of properly. This applies
especially to improper handling of batteries containing lithium.
However, batteries also contain important raw materials such as iron, zinc,
manganese and nickel and these can be reused. Separate collection en-
ables recycling of these raw materials and avoids any negative impact on
the environment or human health due to toxic substances being released.