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Introduction to the DC-41SRTH
The DC-41SRTH display is presented as an easy-to-use clock, thermometer and hygrometer adjusted
and calibrated at factory. The main window shows the current hour and minute, temperature with 0,1ºC
resolution and humidity with 1% resolution. The main window can be set to turn on and turn off at the time set
by user and is adjustable in brightness (see “Parameters of the display” in this manual). There are add-on
functions depending on the display. These functions are fully compatible and can be combined with each
If the display includes option A, it has an integrated GPS. The antenna contents a magnet that permit
to fix it to a magnetic surface. The first time the display is turn on, the quality of the GPS signal must be
verified some minutes after the power-up.
This is done using one of the parameters of the display (see “GPS
” in this manual).
If the display includes option NE (Ethernet connectivity), this display hosts a web site where the user
can see the status of the display and configure it. This function allows the display to be used as a server for
other displays to synchronize the hour through the Ethernet, as well as updating its time and date through a
SNTP server. User can configure and request the time through TCP/IP commands. The default IP is See
“Ethernet option” in this manual for more information.
If the display includes option X (RS-485 connectivity), this display can be configured as a RS.485
server/client. This means that the display can connect with other displays to sync between them, as well as
the user communication through commands. If the display also includes the Ethernet option, the display can
work as a bridge between both options. See “RS-485 option” for more information
Clock, thermometer and hygrometer with GPS, RS-485 and