Chapter 6 – Frequently Asked Questions
TestEquity 123C Temperature Chamber
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Chapter 6 – Frequently Asked Questions
I need to send the chamber outside North America. Will it work with their power?
Outside North America, most countries have 50 Hz. Nominal voltages in are typically 220 V to
240 V. You CANNOT simply step the voltage down to 120 V because the compressors have a
50 Hz rating of 100 V nominal (95 V min. to 110 V max.).
Why does my chamber heat or cool slower than the published specifications?
Performance is significantly affected by the characteristics of your test sample. Factors include
size, weight, material, shape, and power dissipation if energized. The test sample should be
placed in the chamber in a manner that allows for air circulation. You should not place the test
sample directly on the chamber floor. It should be placed on the shelf. Multiple test samples
should be distributed throughout the chamber to ensure even airflow and minimize temperature
gradients. If necessary, additional shelves should be used to evenly distribute the load. You can
determine if the chamber is operating properly by following the procedure in “How to verify the
chamber performance”.
How can I modify the chamber to cool faster?
Unfortunately, there is little you can do to improve upon the designed-in performance.
TestEquity does NOT recommend using CO
or LN
in this chamber to achieve faster cooling
due to reliability and safety considerations, so it is NOT an available option. Modifying the
chamber to add CO
or LN
will void the warranty.
Why is there water/ice/snow in the chamber?
Any time the ambient air is subjected to temperatures below the dew point, moisture will
condense out of the air. The effect is ice or frost during low temperature operation. When the
chamber is heated above 0°C, the ice or frost will turn into water. To avoid moisture
condensation, make sure the port plugs are inserted at all times. Also, avoid opening the chamber
door while the chamber is operating at temperatures below room ambient. When a low
temperature test is completed, warm the chamber to at least room ambient before opening the
chamber door and before removing your test sample.
My test specification requires convection heat only. Can I turn the circulator motor off?
NO! This will damage the heating and refrigeration systems and void the warranty. You need a
“gravity convection oven” for that kind of test.