Chapter 6 – Frequently Asked Questions
TestEquity 115A-EX Temperature Chamber
Page 6-3
Can the person who services our air conditioning also service the chamber?
Probably not. Most air conditioning mechanics are not familiar with low-temperature cascade
refrigeration systems. While this chamber is relatively easy to maintain and repair, most air
conditioning mechanics do not have the necessary refrigerants and may not be familiar with the
microprocessor-based controls. This chamber should only be serviced by a qualified mechanic
that is familiar with low-temperature cascade refrigeration systems. Call TestEquity to
recommend one in your area, or to check if the one you would like to use is qualified.
Can/Should I put a filter in front of the condenser air inlet?
No, TestEquity does not recommend this. Just follow the maintenance procedures and clean the
condenser fins periodically.
How often should I charge the refrigeration system?
This chamber uses a closed-loop refrigeration system. Just like your refrigerator at home, it does
not need periodic charging. If the charge is low, this means that there is a leak. Leaks should be
repaired before recharging.
What kind of Freon does the chamber use?
The word Freon
is a DuPont registered trade name for their CFC-based refrigerants and is
incorrectly used as a generic term for refrigerants. TestEquity chambers do not use CFC-based
refrigerants. The high-stage system uses R-404A, which is also known as DuPont Suva
The low-stage system uses R-508B, which is also known as DuPont Suva