4.3 Set date and time
If batteries are inserted or replaced, the date and time
is automatically requested after a brief display of the
firmware version number.
• Set the year,month,day,hour and minute with the +/-
button, and confirm with Menu button. You can press
the Boost button to return to the previous menu during
the setting of date and time.
• The display of ‚ InS ‚ with the rotating ‚ ‚ shows that the
motor is still travelling back.
• When ‚ AdA ‚ is shown in the display, the radiator ther-
mostat can be installed on the valve. After installation,
press the Boost button to run adaptive
• The display of ‚ AdA‘ with the rotating ‚ ‚ shows that an
adapting run to adapt the thermostat to the valve.
If the adapting runs is initiated before installation,
press Boost button and the motor travels back to the ‚
InS ‚ position. If an error message(F1,F2,F3) is displayed,
press the Pair/Boost button and the motor similarly
travels back to the ‚ InS ‚ position.
5. Installation of the radiator thermostat
The radiator thermostat is easy to install and can be
done without draining heating water or intervening in
the heating system. No special tools are required, nor
does the heating have to be switched off.
The ring nut attached to the radiator thermostat can be
used universally and without accessories for all valves