Parts, Accessories, and
Use only genuine Tesla parts and accessories. Tesla
performs rigorous testing on parts to ensure their
suitability, safety, and reliability. Purchase these parts
from Tesla, where they are professionally installed and
where you can receive expert advice about
modifications to Model X. Accessories are available for
purchase from Tesla stores or online at
Some accessories may not be available in your
market region.
Tesla is unable to assess parts manufactured by other
distributors and therefore accepts no responsibility if
you use non-Tesla parts on Model X.
Installing non-approved parts and
accessories, or performing non-approved
modifications, can affect the performance of
Model X and the safety of its occupants. Any
damage caused by using or installing non-
approved parts, or by performing non-approved
modifications, is not covered by the warranty.
Tesla does not accept liability for
death, personal injury or damage that occurs if you
use or install non-approved accessories or make
non-approved modifications.
Body Repairs
If your Model X is in a collision, contact Tesla or a Tesla-
approved Body Shop to ensure that it is repaired with
genuine Tesla parts. Tesla has selected and approved
body shops that meet strict requirements for training,
equipment, quality, and customer satisfaction.
Some repair shops and insurance companies might
suggest using non-original equipment or salvaged parts
to save money. However, these parts do not meet Tesla's
high standards for quality, fit and corrosion resistance. In
addition, non-original equipment and salvaged parts
(and any damage or failures they might cause) are not
covered by the warranty.
Using RFID Transponders
When attaching an RFID transponder (used by many
automated toll systems) inside Model X, place the
transponder in the topmost area of the windshield as
shown. This ensures best results and minimizes any
obstruction to your driving view.
You can also attach a weather-proof transponder
to the front license plate.
Parts and Accessories