Crane Owners and Operators:
Terex appreciates your choice of our product for your application. Our number
one priority is user safety which is best achieved by our joint efforts. We feel
that you make a major contribution to safety if you as equipment users and
with OH&S, Federal, State and Local Regulations.
Read, Understand and Follow
the instructions in this and other
manuals supplied with this product.
Use Good, Safe Work Practices
in a common sense way.
Only have trained operators
– directed by informed and
knowledgeable supervision
– operating this product.
If there is anything in this manual that is not clear or which you believe should
be added, please send your comments to Terex Product Support.
Your safety is our priority.
The safety alert symbol is used to alert you to potential personal injury
hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible
injury or death. Where a risk exists for the operator or crane the following
safety alert symbols will be used.
“Danger” is used for operation procedures where
failure to observe the stipulations may result in
death or injury.
“Caution” is used for operating procedures
where failure to observe the stipulations may
result in damage to the crane or equipment or
minor injury
“Note” is used to indicate an important operation
or to draw attention to further information.
2.1 Intended use of the Head Hook
The MAC25 Head Hook is designed to lift, lower, move, and position freely-
suspended loads within its rated capacity while on firm, level ground. The
crane is designed exclusively for assembly type, non-duty cycle operations.
Use of this product in any other way is prohibited and contrary to its intended
Intended use includes the observation of the rated capacity manual, the
operating instructions and maintenance specifications. Special load
cases however may be permitted in consultation with the crane