Setting the chopping rate via the Serial Port
The C-995 is equipped with a bi-directional “three-wire” Rs-232c interface. It
permits the unit to be remotely controlled via an external computer and will report
the unit’s status on request.
An interface cable is supplied with each unit. Plug the Rj-14 (telephone style)
connector into the port on the unit’s rear panel. Plug the 9 pin D connector into
the computer serial port. Using a communications program (such as WINDOWS
Hyperterminal) set the appropriate communications parameters. The protocol is
9600 N 8 1, i.e. Baud Rate of 9600 Baud, no parity bit, 8 data bits, and one stop
bit. The command structure is as follows:
To set the chopping rate to 1 KHz on the high speed range, send the following
eleven character string:
CR is Carriage Return, hex 0D, or Enter on a PC keyboard. The significance of the
characters is as shown above.
All eleven digits must be present including leading zeros. For example, to set the
unit to chop at 15.627 Hz on the low frequency range, send the following string:
F: 0015.627CR
A correct command will be met with the response: “
An incorrect command will be met with the response: “
Invalid Command
To request the status of the unit, send the following string:
F : 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 C R
Prefix Chopping