Copyright © Terabee 2016
Connecting the TeraRanger One Using a Computer With a
Serial Console
Your TeraRanger One can interact with any serial console using the following configuration:
115200 bit/s, 8 data bits, no parity bit and one stop bit.
In Windows you can use terminal emulation software like HTerm. If you do not already have
terminal software you can download HTerm from this link:
Make sure you download it before plugging the TeraRanger One into your USB port via the
USB adapter
Extract the downloaded zip file to the folder of your choice, open it and double click on the
“HTerm.exe” file.
Now connect the TeraRanger One to your computer via the USB adapter. In order to select
the USB port on which the TeraRanger One is plugged, refresh the port list by clicking on the
“R” button as shown on the following image:
Once you have selected the port, click on the “Connect” button.
The data will now appear in the “Received data” box in “Binary” mode:
To convert the data to a human readable output, simply type “T” in the “Type” box to display
the data in “Text” mode, as shown in the picture below. In this example, you can see that
the measurement is around 1900mm. You can return to “Binary” mode by typing “B” in the
90 Rue Henri Fabre
01630 St. Genis‐Pouilly
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France (next to CERN)
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