To switch on the radio, depress button 3 — «O FF — ON».
After sw itchin g on the radio obta in medium volume level by tu r n in g the
volume control.
For listenin g on the medium and long w avebands turn the dru m switch in
order to set the w an ted band indicator a g ain s t the band indicator window . T u r
n in g the tu n in g control, set the tu n in g pointer at the scale division corres
p o n d in g to the received station w avelength. Then slowly tu r n in g the tu n i n g control
in both directions get the fine tu ning. Rotate the radio ab out its axis to get the best
reception with minimum interference.
F or listenin g on the short w avebands turn the drum switch to set the required
w aveband. Pull out carefully the telescopic aerial, first holding its head an d then
each of 7 sections in succession a g a in s t the stop.
It is not necessary to ro tate the radio when using the telescopic aerial for
reception. When the external aerial is in use, push the telescopic aerial into the
body of the radio.
Use a linear scale to remember the location of stati ons on the tu n i n g scale.
It is not advisable to listen to powerful or local statio n s a t the maximum
volu m e level because overload of the radio m ay cause disto rtio ns and para site
whistle, especially when the station is not tuned in precisely.
Sharp tu n i n g is provided by light indicator
When the ra dio is tuned in
sharply to the station, the light of the tu n in g indicator LEDs (some or all) goes
o u t or lessens to a visible minimum. The desired tone is obtained by tu r n in g slowly
in the high audio frequency r a n g e and by pressin g button
«BASS» in the b ass frequency range. Repeated pressin g of the b utton retu rn s it
to the initial position.
The lig h tin g of the dial is obtained by pressing button
— «LIGHT».
Repeated pressin g of button 3 — «OFF — ON» switches off the radio.
1. F or tape recordin g connect the tape recorder st a n d a rd plug to socket 7.
The radio volume level control m u s t be set a t the minimum volume position, and
reco rd in g level is adju ste d in the tape recorder.
2. An exte rnal speaker (8 ohms) or headphones (50— 120 ohms) can be con
nected to headphone socket
by a s t a n d a rd plug.
3. An exte rnal power source can be connected to exter nal power source socket 5
by a s t a n d a r d plug.